Sunday 9 November 2014

Collection Sheer Loose Powder Review

Collection Sheer Loose Powder Review

Went out and found this beauty at Superdrug for £2.99! Onto describing the product...

This is my first ever loose powder that I have bought with my own money, however I have used some before. When I took the lid of this, I'm going to be honest, I was confused. There was a protective lid over the holes that the product comes out of, and I had no clue how to get it off. It was a similar colour to where the holes were, so I couldn't see where the protective seal ended or started. It took me about 5 minutes to finally get it off - with a struggle. I then put the lid on again, shook it gently, and swooped up the colour with my Primark powder brush (review coming soon). I did want to get the transparent colour from this, as I wasn't certain that with two colours it would match my skin tone, but because it was sheer, I was fine. I put this over my BB cream using circular motions, concentrating on my T-Zone. My face looked really matte after using this, and I was really impressed by it. It stayed on my face all day, even at school! If there was one issue with it, that would be the awkwardness of carrying it around, but that's the same for all loose powders.

So my final verdict: Incredible loose powder, just a little bit hectic to open (then again that's probably just me...). Amazing deal for the price!

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