Sunday 7 December 2014

The Candle Tag

The Candle Tag

Disclaimer: I may not own this tag, but I have never come across it before. If someone has done it before, then that is without my knowledge, and I apologize if this isn't the correct one. I'm just having fun and doing something a bit different.

It's that time of year where we shut our windows, close the curtains and put the fire on! With the new year just around the corner, it's blatant that the cold weather pushes us inside our homes. But fear not! All doesn't have to be bleak. 

Yes, that's right. Candles are here! Placed in a dimly lit room changes the atmosphere to cosy and safe. I like lighting my main candles (in the above photos) and little tealights. I especially like doing this when I'm having a bath or doing some blogging! My favourite candle is my orange scented one, which I got from a sweet old man in York a few months back. It smells divine and adds a pop of colour to the room. I then have my two tin candles, in the scents 'Oxygen' and 'Faerie Wishes and Kisses'. I'm not sure where I got these from, but there are similar ones sold in John Lewis in a variety of sizes. They smell sweet, but very cleansing and pure. The smallest candle is a simple, plain candle (not scented) in a clear jar. Perhaps boring, but I like it. The last candle is my Christmas countdown candle. I do this on how many sleeps until Christmas, starting at 25, ending at 1. Great help as I deleted the app :P

I love candles, and this Winter, I hope you can share this love of candles with me! Go light some lovely little lights and enjoy Christmas and the New Year!

About The Tag: If you want to take part in it, all you need to do is describe your favourite candles! No questions, just typing and sitting in a room filled with candle love. 

I TAG - EVERYONE! And, littlemissstyleguru if she's reading this :)

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