Sunday 12 October 2014

Introduction - Dainty Lipstick

Okay, so I may have to warn you, this may be a very cliche introduction...

Hello everybody! My name is Jenna, and this is my new blog. Not my first, but hopefully more successful! I will be posting about beauty, skincare and nails (probably reviews and comparisons more often than most). I'm wanting to make blogging my hobby, but I'm still learning so any helpful tips or advice is greatly appreciated! I don't know a lot about makeup, but I feel that I am 'qualified' to review products for you. If something didn't sit well on my skin, then I will be honest. If a certain colour doesn't suit my skin tone (ivory), then I will be honest. I've made this blog to help people through the tough times of makeup.

Since I'll be lying low till more people read my blog, my posts will be on products that I have bought with my own money. This means that there won't be loads of reviews/comparisons as I'm not a millionaire. I still get pocket money!

Another side note is that I am from England, so not all the products I buy will be available from where you live. But I will always post links to where I bought it, or the shop I got it from. And thinking to the future, which company sent it to me! That's wishful thinking, but I'd love it to happen. All my prices will be in sterling (pounds, pence) as well.

Anyway, if you had read all this, then I thank you very much indeed.
- Jen

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